Tuesday 26 May 2020

Using Hugo

I played around with Django (a Python based web framework) all morning and managed to create an extremely simple blog site, but it was pretty complicated and time consuming for someone that wants something to “just work”. After some further Googling I stumbled onto Jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com/) and Hugo (https://gohugo.io/) these are extremely light/small static webpage generators.

 After some further Googling I discovered that you can host (static) websites for free on GitHub Pages AND they allow you to use a custom domain name, so I followed the tutorial here https://pages.github.com/ to create my own GitHub Pages site.

Then I just had to decide whether to go with Jekyll or Hugo, Jekyll has been around longer, is more established, and is based on Ruby. Hugo is newer but is becoming very popular, it’s based on GO, which is also a much newer programming language. There seemed to be a lot of people migrating from Jekyll to Hugo and another negative of using Jekyll is that you have to have Ruby installed locally whereas you don’t need GO installed for Hugo.

So I decided on Hugo, found a theme that seemed alright and here we are. So for the cost of a domain name, you can have a website hosted on Github for free. I’ve got GitHub desktop installed on my laptop so you literally just drag and drop the site that Hugo generates into your GitHub folder and hit the sync button which uploads it to you website.

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